That is the approach I used to get our yard hummingbirds to eat from my hand. You should purchase a feeder with bee guards. Nonetheless, those are typically the drippiest feeders out there (Perky-Pet “4 Flowers,” etc.), and as soon as they begin dripping the bee guards are useless, since puddles kind in the flowers outside of the bee guards, a simple meal for insects. You possibly can plant a mixture of these flower plants in your backyard and while the flowers are blooming it is best to have a big inhabitants of hummingbirds in your hummingbird garden. As a side benefit you will see that you will have an enormous population of butterflies additionally.

Please do NOT grease the wire of the hanger to discourage the ants! It will fairly probably get on the wings of the hummers flying by or on the toes of those birds looking to …